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aprendizaje en casa
Discover how to make learning at home a fun and effective experience. Explore creative ideas that will strengthen your children's knowledge - learning can be exciting!


Dibujo de gato curioso
Children are curious. They have a world to discover.


evaluar seguridad escolar
Essential keys to assessing school safety and protecting your children in their educational environment. Discover how to analyze policies, personnel, facilities and more to ensure a safe school environment. Practical tips for concerned parents.


Home que acaricia un cavall
Bullying is a repetitive and negative behavior directed towards a person or group of people.


Imagen de Catherine L'Ecuyer
"Even if he doesn't understand the new word, with the words he already knows he can still catch the meaning, so the child acquires vocabulary by reading. It's a virtuous circle."


miedo al colegio
Discover how to help your children overcome their fear of school and ensure a school journey full of confidence and success.


J. A. Marina Buscarcole
"If we make decisions without understanding what is happening, we accept being manipulated."


hablar con tu hijo sobre el colegio
Talking to your child about school is important. Ask open-ended questions, listen carefully, offer support and encouragement, and highlight their accomplishments.


hablar del colegio
Talking to your child about school is an important part of parenting. By following these tips, you can create an environment of open and supportive communication that will help your child succeed in school.


selección de colegio
Involve your children in the school selection process. Open conversations, school visits and analysis together. Find out how in our article.
