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clase de chicos y chicas formación profesional
Pre-registrations in vocational training (TVET) in Spain are an important process to access training cycles. Here is some relevant information about how they work and some problems that may arise.


Vuelta a lo básico
In New Zealand, one of the world's most exciting education reforms is quietly getting underway. Erica Stanford, the country's new Minister of Education, is on a mission to reform the education system from top to bottom.


Niño y niña investigando. STEM
In an increasingly technology-driven world, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education has become a key pillar in preparing future generations.


Dibujo de una familia que lee
Gregorio Luri tells us that children who are read to regularly by their parents at the age of five perform better in mathematics, vocabulary and spelling at the age of sixteen. And only one third of children are read to at home on a daily basis.


Imagen de niño bueno que va a la escuela
Good child syndrome is a pattern of behavior in which the child strives to please others, follow rules, and avoid conflict at all costs.


Imagen de Begoña Ibarrola

Begoña Ibarrola is a renowned Spanish psychologist and writer specialized in the field of emotional education. Her work focuses on the development of emotional skills in children and adolescents, as well as on the training of teachers and parents to foster an emotionally healthy environment in the educational and family environment.


Imagen de chico haciendose preguntas
Discipline and critical thinking are pillars in education since they allow us to question, reflect and reach conclusions based on reason and truth.


selección de colegio

Finding the perfect school for your child can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it's crucial to identify the signs that you've found the right place for their education. In this article, we'll explore 10 clear signs that you've found the ideal school for your child. From the atmosphere on campus to the quality of teaching, these clues will help you make the best decision for your child's educational future.


Imagen de Gabriel Attal
We summarize here the proposals of the current French Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, when he was Minister of Education.


dos personas entrevistandose
Master the keys to school interviews and choose the best educational path for your child. Set yourself up for success with our expert guidance!
