Imagen de Begoña Ibarrola

Begoña Ibarrola is a renowned Spanish psychologist and writer specialized in the field of emotional education. Her work focuses on the development of emotional skills in children and adolescents, as well as on the training of teachers and parents to foster an emotionally healthy environment in the educational and family environment.

According to Begoña Ibarrola, emotions play a fundamental role in the integral development of people, and it is necessary to teach children and young people to understand, identify and manage their emotions appropriately. Some of the key principles and concepts that Ibarrola promotes include:

Emotional Awareness

Helping children recognize and understand their own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. This involves developing the ability to identify different emotions and understand what causes them.

Emotional management

Teaching strategies to regulate and manage emotions constructively. This includes breathing techniques, relaxation, appropriate emotional expression, and peaceful conflict resolution.


Encourage empathy for others, i.e., the ability to put oneself in another person's shoes and understand their feelings and perspectives. This helps to strengthen interpersonal relationships and promote a climate of mutual respect and understanding.

Positive self-esteem

Work on developing a positive self-image, recognizing one's strengths and accepting areas for improvement. Healthy self-esteem is fundamental to emotional well-being and personal development.

Effective communication

To teach communication skills that allow one to clearly and assertively express one's emotions and needs, as well as to actively listen to others.

In short...

These emotional lessons are not only focused on the educational field, but also have application in everyday life and in the construction of healthy relationships both in the family and social environment. Begoña Ibarrola has written numerous books and teaching materials to help parents and educators implement these teachings in daily practice.


