evaluar seguridad escolar

School safety is a key concern for all parents with school-aged children. The school environment is where children spend a large part of their day, and it is crucial to make sure they are protected and feel safe while learning and socializing. In this article, we will explore the keys to assessing school safety and provide practical tips for concerned parents.

The Importance of Assessing School Safety

Before we dive into the keys to assessing school safety, it's important to understand why this aspect is so vital. School safety is not only about preventing physical accidents, but also about promoting an emotionally safe and healthy environment for children. Some of the reasons why assessing school safety is essential include:

  • Physical Protection: Ensure that children are safe from potential physical hazards at school, such as accidents on the playground or on school transportation.

  • Bullying Prevention: Evaluate school policies and practices to prevent bullying and cyberbullying, and promote an environment of mutual respect.

  • Emotional Safety: Ensure that children feel emotionally safe at school, which includes bullying prevention and mental health support.

  • Emergencies: Assess the school's preparedness for emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, or safety situations.

Keys to Assessing School Safety


1. Safety Policies

One of the first things parents should investigate is the school's safety policies. This includes reviewing school rules and bullying and violence prevention policies. Look for key terms such as "school safety policy" and "bullying prevention" in school documentation.

In buscarcole.com we have schools with anti-bullying plans. Horse therapies can be beneficial for both the victims of bullying and the bullies. 

2. Trained Staff

It is important to know if the school has staff trained in safety and first aid. This may include nursing professionals, counselors, and security personnel. Trained personnel are essential to respond appropriately in case of emergencies.

3. Safe Facilities

Visit the school and observe the physical facilities. Make sure classrooms, hallways and play areas are in good condition and safe. Look for signs of proper maintenance and safety measures, such as fire extinguishers and clearly marked evacuation routes.

4. Controlled Access

Investigate whether the school has access control measures in place to ensure that unauthorized persons cannot enter the school campus. This may include security camera systems, locked gates, and security personnel at the entrance.

5. Effective Communication

Communication between the school and parents is essential. Make sure the school has an efficient system in place to keep parents informed of security events and situations. This may include text message alerts, emails or a mobile app.

6. Emergency Testing

Ask the school about the regular evacuation drills and emergency simulations they conduct. Schools should conduct safety and evacuation drills on a regular basis to prepare students and staff in the event of a real emergency situation.

7. Parent Involvement

Become actively involved in the school community. Attend parent-teacher conferences, participate in school safety committees, and collaborate with other parents to promote a safe environment at your child's school.


School safety is a priority for all parents. Assessing school safety is an effective way to ensure that your children are physically and emotionally protected while attending school. By following the keys listed above and being actively involved in the school community, you can contribute significantly to creating a safer and healthier school environment for your children. School safety is a shared concern, and together we can work to keep our children protected on their path to education.
