J. A. Marina Buscarcole

"If we make decisions without understanding what is happening, we accept being manipulated".

José Antonio Marina (Toledo, 1939) is a philosopher, essayist and pedagogue, specialized in the study of intelligence and creativity.

He has published, alone or in co-authorship, more than fifty books.


Enlace Youtube clave entrevista Marina


"It is convenient to understand why we think what we think and feel what we feel".

He says that the greatest failure of intelligence "is not being able to adjust to reality or to solve emotional or social or political problems, to undertake crazy goals, to become bitter about life or to fall into cruelty".

One of his achievements has been to promote an educational mobilization, uniting the talent of thousands of people, against this "infernal wheel of excuses", in which the parent blames the school, the school blames the parent, everyone blames the television, the television blames the viewer and everyone blames the government?

Marina appeals to the responsibility of citizens.

"We are educating generations that are forgetful, that underestimate history, and this produces a dangerous superficiality. The rise of populism and illiberal systems are the result of this superficiality".


Interview in El País:

enlace entrevista el país


His books:

El deseo interminable: Las claves emocionales de la historia 

Las arquitecturas del deseo: Una investigación sobre los placeres del espíritu

La selva del lenguaje: Introducción a un diccionario de los sentimientos

Estuche Biografía de la inhumanidad + Biografía de la humanidad 

Valores éticos. 3 y 4 Secundaria




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