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miedo al colegio
Discover how to help your children overcome their fear of school and ensure a school journey full of confidence and success.


Daniel Innerarity Buscarcole Blog
Any device that seems to perform better certain tasks that we humans do begins by arousing fears or enthusiasms.


criterios baremo escolar
The school scale are those criteria that determine the admission of a student in a center when there are not enough places. Consult them in our blog entry.


mejor colegio de Barcelona para mi hijo
Finding the best school in Barcelona for my child should be a priority, but which one is the best? Squeeze our search engine and decide


Inicio del curso
The school year is starting and adapting our routine to the arrival of September is quite a challenge, both for parents and children. We want to help you with these tips.


buscar colegio bilingüe
If you are looking for a multilingual school among your options, access our search engine, and you will have access to a wide range of search options to help you choose the right school for your children.


ansiedad buscar colegio
Searching for a school can be a highly complicated process. For this reason, from the website we want to help you in this key stage in the educational development of your children. Search for a school with us.


Oberta la preinscripció a FP
Opened the pre-registration for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training specialization courses


jornada de puertas abiertas online
Given the current situation, setting up an online open day at your school is the ideal solution to reach the maximum number of people and minimize the risk of contagion.


Aprender a competir de joven: ¿será una ayuda en el día a día de la vida adulta?
At we asked ourselves this question during the confinement caused by the covid-19 pandemic. In this situation of emotional stress that we are all living through, talking about competing may seem strange, but it is not. Some of the testimonies that have spoken to explain it.
