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hablar con tu hijo sobre el colegio
Talking to your child about school is important. Ask open-ended questions, listen carefully, offer support and encouragement, and highlight their accomplishments.


carlos granados y daniel capó
A double approach to the issue: a literary/narrative approach (carried out by Daniel Capó) and a more philosophical/conceptual approach (carried out by Carlos Granados).


Gregorio Luri blog Buscarcole
No one is more specialized than parents are for their children.


contraposició de dos cervells
10% of the population suffers from dyslexia.


Silueta d'una criatura
Interesting article by the doctor Vicente Morales Hidalgo about the importance of the diagnosis of learning disabilities.


Elementos para contar: triangulos, círculos, barritas, etc.
Developed in Spain by Jaime Martinez Montero, it was first used in two Andalusian schools during the 2008-2009 school year.


mejor colegio de Barcelona para mi hijo
Finding the best school in Barcelona for my child should be a priority, but which one is the best? Squeeze our search engine and decide


buscar colegio bilingüe
If you are looking for a multilingual school among your options, access our search engine, and you will have access to a wide range of search options to help you choose the right school for your children.


ansiedad buscar colegio
Searching for a school can be a highly complicated process. For this reason, from the website we want to help you in this key stage in the educational development of your children. Search for a school with us.


Oberta la preinscripció a FP
Opened the pre-registration for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training specialization courses
