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Imagen de Catherine L'Ecuyer
"Even if he doesn't understand the new word, with the words he already knows he can still catch the meaning, so the child acquires vocabulary by reading. It's a virtuous circle."


Silueta d'una criatura
Interesting article by the doctor Vicente Morales Hidalgo about the importance of the diagnosis of learning disabilities.


Catherine L’Ecuyer, Canadian educator, speaks about boredom and another subjects.


Foto de Howard Gardner
Multiple intelligences are the recognition of the diversity of skills and abilities. The theory of multiple intelligences was first proposed by Howard Gardner in his book 'Frames of Mind' in 1983.


aprender en vacaciones
Learning during the holidays should be a priority. Outside of the academic environment, there are opportunities that we cannot miss.


Oberta la preinscripció a FP
Opened the pre-registration for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training specialization courses
