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Imatge escola privada britànica
If you want to enroll your children in a school with a British or American curriculum, you should know in detail how the education system works.


escola totes etapes educatives
Parents, especially those who are looking for a school for the first time, often get lost among the different methodologies and services used by schools.


La fuerza del bien Rémi Brague
Rémi Brague, professor emeritus of Arabic and medieval philosophy at the Sorbonne University in Paris, talks about "The force of good".


Oberta la preinscripció a FP
Opened the pre-registration for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training specialization courses


Jaime Saavedra. Una lección sobre la pandemia
After this pandemic, the school will be different. In large part this is because many actors —parents, teachers, the media, the government, and others—will have changed their views and perceptions of their own role in the educational process.
