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Imagen de Catherine L'Ecuyer
"Even if he doesn't understand the new word, with the words he already knows he can still catch the meaning, so the child acquires vocabulary by reading. It's a virtuous circle."


Façana escola
Montse Daví Aragay, mother and primary school teacher for forty years, explains what she considers most relevant when choosing a school for our sons and daughters.


Catherine L’Ecuyer, Canadian educator, speaks about boredom and another subjects.


jornadas orientación profesional
Career counselling days can be the key help to solve all those questions that students have to solve before making a choice that may determine their future.


escola totes etapes educatives
Parents, especially those who are looking for a school for the first time, often get lost among the different methodologies and services used by schools.


colegio privado
Private schools are completely independent and self-funded, usually with a fee assigned to families.


Oberta la preinscripció a FP
Opened the pre-registration for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training specialization courses


Aprender a competir de joven: ¿será una ayuda en el día a día de la vida adulta?
At we asked ourselves this question during the confinement caused by the covid-19 pandemic. In this situation of emotional stress that we are all living through, talking about competing may seem strange, but it is not. Some of the testimonies that have spoken to explain it.


buscar colegio. 6 consejos en tu ayuda
Looking for a school is becoming a priority for many parents and teenagers. 6 tips to help you find the best choice.


On Critical Thinking
Johann N. Neem, professor of History at Western Washington University, thinks on the Critical Thinking.
