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Dibujo de una familia que lee
Gregorio Luri tells us that children who are read to regularly by their parents at the age of five perform better in mathematics, vocabulary and spelling at the age of sixteen. And only one third of children are read to at home on a daily basis.


Imagen de Catherine L'Ecuyer
"Even if he doesn't understand the new word, with the words he already knows he can still catch the meaning, so the child acquires vocabulary by reading. It's a virtuous circle."


carlos granados y daniel capó
A double approach to the issue: a literary/narrative approach (carried out by Daniel Capó) and a more philosophical/conceptual approach (carried out by Carlos Granados).


imagen de Juan Cruz Ripoll
Improving computer-assisted reading in elementary education


adolescente escribiendo frente a un ordenador
Online private lessons are here to stay. The digitalisation of education is spreading in all areas. Are they a good solution? We explain it to you.


jornadas orientación profesional
Career counselling days can be the key help to solve all those questions that students have to solve before making a choice that may determine their future.


¿Leer en papel o leer en pantalla?
An article published in El País presents different opinions on the results obtained in reading comprehension in the PISA 2018 report.


La fuerza del bien Rémi Brague
Rémi Brague, professor emeritus of Arabic and medieval philosophy at the Sorbonne University in Paris, talks about "The force of good".


educar a casa o a l'aula
Educating at home and in the classroom is an ever-present debate: Who is responsible for it? An interesting discussion to which from we want to add.


La lectura: un factor clave en el progreso escolar
Gregorio Luri is a wise man. That's why we follow his blog "El café de Ocata". He teaches us  that reading is unnatural. That since there is no natural reading, we must learn to read, without leaving the learning reader into the hands of childish spontaneity.
