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prestigio y reputacion de los colegios
Values such as prestige and reputation are very important for families when choosing a school for their children.


conflicto padres y escuela
There is no manual of rules and appropriate behaviors to be a perfect parent. Basically because such a figure does not exist.


educar a casa o a l'aula
Educating at home and in the classroom is an ever-present debate: Who is responsible for it? An interesting discussion to which from we want to add.


Rafael Bisquerra, inteligencia emocional
Rafael Bisquerra is the president of the International Network for Emotional Education and Wellbeing RIEEB and has been interested in emotional education, emotional intelligence and emotional competencies for years.


actividades extraescolares covid 19
What are the alternatives to after-school activities? Extracurricular activities during COVID-19 may no longer be what we are used to. Here are some options.
