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evaluar seguridad escolar
Essential keys to assessing school safety and protecting your children in their educational environment. Discover how to analyze policies, personnel, facilities and more to ensure a safe school environment. Practical tips for concerned parents.


Daniel Innerarity Buscarcole Blog
Any device that seems to perform better certain tasks that we humans do begins by arousing fears or enthusiasms.


cambio de colegio
Changes of residence, hasty decisions without taking into account essential factors... there are many reasons why you may want your child to change school when the deadline has already closed.


cambio de colegio
If your task of looking for a school has been successfully completed, now it's time to think about the next objective: how to adapt to the new situation that awaits your child.


Oberta la preinscripció a FP
Opened the pre-registration for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training specialization courses


Jaime Saavedra. Una lección sobre la pandemia
After this pandemic, the school will be different. In large part this is because many actors —parents, teachers, the media, the government, and others—will have changed their views and perceptions of their own role in the educational process.
