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contraposició de dos cervells
10% of the population suffers from dyslexia.


Silueta d'una criatura
Interesting article by the doctor Vicente Morales Hidalgo about the importance of the diagnosis of learning disabilities.


adolescente escribiendo frente a un ordenador
Online private lessons are here to stay. The digitalisation of education is spreading in all areas. Are they a good solution? We explain it to you.


jornadas orientación profesional
Career counselling days can be the key help to solve all those questions that students have to solve before making a choice that may determine their future.


escola totes etapes educatives
Parents, especially those who are looking for a school for the first time, often get lost among the different methodologies and services used by schools.


Conceptes al cercador de
In our website we use various parameters to define the schools that we include in our search engine. We explain some of the concepts that you will find in it.
