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Home que acaricia un cavall
Bullying is a repetitive and negative behavior directed towards a person or group of people.


miedo al colegio
Discover how to help your children overcome their fear of school and ensure a school journey full of confidence and success.


relación con caballos
You may not know it: horses can help you improve your ability to focus. Gerard, from Cavalls de Calma, tells us about his experience.


Inicio del curso
The school year is starting and adapting our routine to the arrival of September is quite a challenge, both for parents and children. We want to help you with these tips.


aprender en vacaciones
Learning during the holidays should be a priority. Outside of the academic environment, there are opportunities that we cannot miss.


actividades extraescolares covid 19
What are the alternatives to after-school activities? Extracurricular activities during COVID-19 may no longer be what we are used to. Here are some options.
