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prestigio y reputacion de los colegios
Values such as prestige and reputation are very important for families when choosing a school for their children.


conflicto padres y escuela
There is no manual of rules and appropriate behaviors to be a perfect parent. Basically because such a figure does not exist.


calidad centro escolar
The quality of a school is measured by multiple factors. EvAU grades can be one of them. Read our article.


Elementos para contar: triangulos, círculos, barritas, etc.
Developed in Spain by Jaime Martinez Montero, it was first used in two Andalusian schools during the 2008-2009 school year.


Rafael Bisquerra, inteligencia emocional
Rafael Bisquerra is the president of the International Network for Emotional Education and Wellbeing RIEEB and has been interested in emotional education, emotional intelligence and emotional competencies for years.
