Shown 1 - 7 of 7
miedo al colegio
Discover how to help your children overcome their fear of school and ensure a school journey full of confidence and success.


conflicto padres y escuela
There is no manual of rules and appropriate behaviors to be a perfect parent. Basically because such a figure does not exist.


cambio de colegio
Changes of residence, hasty decisions without taking into account essential factors... there are many reasons why you may want your child to change school when the deadline has already closed.


Inicio del curso
The school year is starting and adapting our routine to the arrival of September is quite a challenge, both for parents and children. We want to help you with these tips.


cambio de colegio
If your task of looking for a school has been successfully completed, now it's time to think about the next objective: how to adapt to the new situation that awaits your child.


Oberta la preinscripció a FP
Opened the pre-registration for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training specialization courses


cole desde casa
School from home can be a constant during the next few months. From we want to give you these keys to set up an ideal space to study.
