Shown 1 - 5 of 5
llibres oberts
Has Sweden gone too far in digitizing its schools?


Nuccio Ordine
Nuccio Ordine speaks out on today's hottest topics on today's hottest topics in education: the importance of school, the work of teachers, the content of subjects, etc.


La fuerza del bien Rémi Brague
Rémi Brague, professor emeritus of Arabic and medieval philosophy at the Sorbonne University in Paris, talks about "The force of good".


educar a casa o a l'aula
Educating at home and in the classroom is an ever-present debate: Who is responsible for it? An interesting discussion to which from we want to add.


colegio a distancia
Remote schooling is a challenge for the education system. We must learn to live with a new way of relating to school that has suddenly arrived.
