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aprendizaje en casa
Discover how to make learning at home a fun and effective experience. Explore creative ideas that will strengthen your children's knowledge - learning can be exciting!


aprender en vacaciones
Learning during the holidays should be a priority. Outside of the academic environment, there are opportunities that we cannot miss.


Oberta la preinscripció a FP
Opened the pre-registration for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training specialization courses


jornada de puertas abiertas online
Given the current situation, setting up an online open day at your school is the ideal solution to reach the maximum number of people and minimize the risk of contagion.


Rafael Bisquerra, inteligencia emocional
Rafael Bisquerra is the president of the International Network for Emotional Education and Wellbeing RIEEB and has been interested in emotional education, emotional intelligence and emotional competencies for years.


La escuela después del covid19
The confinement has dragged teachers, mothers, fathers and students into uncertainty and the question is clear: what educational model does the Coronavirus lead to?
