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aprendizaje en casa
Discover how to make learning at home a fun and effective experience. Explore creative ideas that will strengthen your children's knowledge - learning can be exciting!


Nuccio Ordine
Nuccio Ordine speaks out on today's hottest topics on today's hottest topics in education: the importance of school, the work of teachers, the content of subjects, etc.


aprender en vacaciones
Learning during the holidays should be a priority. Outside of the academic environment, there are opportunities that we cannot miss.


Oberta la preinscripció a FP
Opened the pre-registration for the Technical and Vocational Education and Training specialization courses


Conceptes al cercador de
In our website we use various parameters to define the schools that we include in our search engine. We explain some of the concepts that you will find in it.


Aprender a competir de joven: ¿será una ayuda en el día a día de la vida adulta?
At we asked ourselves this question during the confinement caused by the covid-19 pandemic. In this situation of emotional stress that we are all living through, talking about competing may seem strange, but it is not. Some of the testimonies that have spoken to explain it.
