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Nuccio Ordine
Nuccio Ordine speaks out on today's hottest topics on today's hottest topics in education: the importance of school, the work of teachers, the content of subjects, etc.


aprender en vacaciones
Learning during the holidays should be a priority. Outside of the academic environment, there are opportunities that we cannot miss.


Preguntas que no deben quedar sin respuesta en una jornada de puertas abiertas
If you visit a center, make a note of what questions should not go unanswered at an open day. Read this blog and your choice will be more reliable.


jornada de puertas abiertas online
Given the current situation, setting up an online open day at your school is the ideal solution to reach the maximum number of people and minimize the risk of contagion.


Jaime Saavedra. Una lección sobre la pandemia
After this pandemic, the school will be different. In large part this is because many actors —parents, teachers, the media, the government, and others—will have changed their views and perceptions of their own role in the educational process.


Aprender a competir de joven: ¿será una ayuda en el día a día de la vida adulta?
At we asked ourselves this question during the confinement caused by the covid-19 pandemic. In this situation of emotional stress that we are all living through, talking about competing may seem strange, but it is not. Some of the testimonies that have spoken to explain it.


jornada puertas abiertas barcelona
Attending a school open day is the best tool we have to get to know our children's future school. Follow these guidelines on your next visit.
