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carlos granados y daniel capó
A double approach to the issue: a literary/narrative approach (carried out by Daniel Capó) and a more philosophical/conceptual approach (carried out by Carlos Granados).


escuela de familias
As you know, educating well is a challenge, as well as a great responsibility. And, as it is such an important phase in our lives, a new trend has been born: the family school.


Elementos para contar: triangulos, círculos, barritas, etc.
Developed in Spain by Jaime Martinez Montero, it was first used in two Andalusian schools during the 2008-2009 school year.


educar a casa o a l'aula
Educating at home and in the classroom is an ever-present debate: Who is responsible for it? An interesting discussion to which from we want to add.


cole desde casa
School from home can be a constant during the next few months. From we want to give you these keys to set up an ideal space to study.
