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carlos granados y daniel capó
A double approach to the issue: a literary/narrative approach (carried out by Daniel Capó) and a more philosophical/conceptual approach (carried out by Carlos Granados).


Gregorio Luri blog Buscarcole
No one is more specialized than parents are for their children.


imagen de Juan Cruz Ripoll
Improving computer-assisted reading in elementary education


Imatge Hugo Mercier
Education makes you more open and more able to assimilate new information.


criterios baremo escolar
The school scale are those criteria that determine the admission of a student in a center when there are not enough places. Consult them in our blog entry.


buscar colegio en andalucia
If you are looking for a school in Andalusia, be sure to visit the most complete search engine that exists today. Access to all the information and decide with all the possible data.


comunitats d'aprenentatge
In the usual working methodology in schools, teachers are the ones who impart knowledge and students are the ones who listen. But there is another way of doing things.


jornadas orientación profesional
Career counselling days can be the key help to solve all those questions that students have to solve before making a choice that may determine their future.


Foto de Howard Gardner
Multiple intelligences are the recognition of the diversity of skills and abilities. The theory of multiple intelligences was first proposed by Howard Gardner in his book 'Frames of Mind' in 1983.


Inicio del curso
The school year is starting and adapting our routine to the arrival of September is quite a challenge, both for parents and children. We want to help you with these tips.
