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Imatge de Gregorio Luri
Gregorio Luri, pedagogue and philosopher, is interviewed by the digital newspaper Vilaweb to talk about the latest results of the PISA study.


lectura comprensiva
In an article in La Vanguardia, journalist Carina Farreras reflects on the reading comprehension of Spanish students based on data from PISA and TIMSS, two international assessment studies.


Scott Galloway, passió, esforç
Scott Galloway is an American advertising theorist. He is an adjunct professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business. He is a public speaker, author, podcast host, and entrepreneur.


¿Leer en papel o leer en pantalla?
An article published in El País presents different opinions on the results obtained in reading comprehension in the PISA 2018 report.


Conceptes al cercador de
In our website we use various parameters to define the schools that we include in our search engine. We explain some of the concepts that you will find in it.


jornada de puertas abiertas online
Given the current situation, setting up an online open day at your school is the ideal solution to reach the maximum number of people and minimize the risk of contagion.


Jaime Saavedra. Una lección sobre la pandemia
After this pandemic, the school will be different. In large part this is because many actors —parents, teachers, the media, the government, and others—will have changed their views and perceptions of their own role in the educational process.


Aprender a competir de joven: ¿será una ayuda en el día a día de la vida adulta?
At we asked ourselves this question during the confinement caused by the covid-19 pandemic. In this situation of emotional stress that we are all living through, talking about competing may seem strange, but it is not. Some of the testimonies that have spoken to explain it.


Hacia una escuela del siglo XXI
Andreas Schleicher, Director of Education of the OECD and "father" of the PISA international assessment, was in Madrid to present his book Primera clase (Santillana Foundation). In this brief interview, Schleicher talks about the results of the Spanish students in the last PISA.
